We all had an AWESOME first day. We'll give you the short and sweet:
We traveled to Blackstone Park, and spent the morning exploring and playing games!
Our student-designed park conduct rules:
1. keep the environment clean
2. respect dog's space
3. respect the trees
4. move at a slow pace to watch for roots as well as better utilize observation skills
5. respect your own and each other's space
6. stay with group and team leader at all times
7. if you're lost- sit where you are and make the "wolf howl"- we will find you!
Some of the topic covered included using the five senses, find someone who name-search game, identifying one thing you love about yourself, finding planted things unnatural to the trail like toys and papers, having an observational walk, and even a discussion of the scientific classification system!
Our Student Shout-Outs:
1. Elly and Jordan were wicked-awesome team leaders in the first activity, finishing first by meeting campers and being willing to be open-minded and creative.
2. Denise was a real friend in need when another camper fell on the walk, and she quickly came to the rescue. We hope that all the other campers can learn from this fantastic show of kindness!
3. Emeril used excellent observation techniques to find a leaf with a gall on it- special small egg sack created by an insect in the fly family. These are very rare to find in nature so well preserved!
4. Last by very special indeed is our CAMPER OF THE DAY: Malcolm! He received recognition for his brilliant work being a great listener and ready to share, wearing his t shirt, and for his constant positive attitude.
We are so excited to see what else the summer will hold! Stay tuned!
Hehehehehehhehehe Anonymous again. ( KAT ) anyways... thats a Golf IM THE REAL ANONYMOUS!