
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Day of Winter Session!

We were pumped to start our first day of Winter Session! 

We wrote up and illustrated our class contract together. The Urban Naturalists came up with the contract on their own. It is as follows:

  • No stealing
  • No touching the dogs at the park
  • Keep your hands to yourself - don't get up in my grill
  • Use the bathroom before we go to the park
  • Respect nature, friends and educators 
  • Listen to the person speaking
  • Be careful with the animals we find
  • No littering 
  • No being nasty
  • No swearing 
  • Stay with the group
  • Stranger Danger 
  • Stay where you are and howl if you get lost in the park
  • No feeding the animals
  • No throwing things 
Specifically for the educators: 
  • No yelling when everyone is happy
  • Be awesome! 
  • Don't accuse anyone or abuse your power 
We then met a Ball Python named Bo and learned about snakes from one of our veteran 8th grade Urban Naturalists!

Group of Urban Naturalists illustrating the importance of not littering in the park 

Urban Naturalists showing
the importance of  the
 "Keeping your Hands to Yourself "
 rule and the "Stranger Danger" rule
Two excellent Urban Naturalists
 brainstorming  for their posters

Kash, our 8th Grade Urban Naturalist teaching the class about Ball Pythons

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