
Journal Entries

Nature Journals

We carry Nature Journals with us both in the classroom and in the field. These journals help us to keep track of things we've seen and activities we've done in fun and creative ways. 

These are listed with the most recent at the top and older drawings further down:

4/25/13 - Scientific Illustration


3/5/13 - Comparing Raptors

The Urban Naturalists considered the similarities and differences between an Eastern Screech Owl and American Kestrel:

1/24/13 - Scientific Drawing 

The Urban Naturalists had a lesson on he basics of Scientific Drawing! Here are some of their entries:


  1. hey April,
    I finally saw the website after you told us a million times.I showed my little sister the website and the question was asked:"who's that? who's April? LOL :p


    mustashlover204 (Jaida Melendez)

    1. ThatgirlinurbannaturalistkMay 13, 2013 at 6:22 PM

      y u put u last name... o.o... anyways bye. ill be surfin the... website...

  2. ThatgirlinurbannaturalistkMay 13, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    Woow jaida she said not to put your last name... sizzle.
    but omg i see some of mine... i am a "great artist". Cant wait til Tuesday wooh wooh

  3. Hey April, don't know if you still look at the site anymore but I just wanted to say hi. But I want to know who Thatgirliurbannaturalistk is.
    with mustashes,
    jaida o-o

  4. Jaida! I can't believe I haven't logged into the blog since before February! I miss you terribly and I hope you are still being an EXCELLENT Urban Naturalist! Keep the blog alive!
